Cosimo Dhani-Hounsome — Music in Action Events UK

Cosimo Dhani-Hounsome

Cosimo Dhani-Hounsome

Adria Godfrey

Cosimo is a Jersey based flautist. Aged 14 years old, and in year 10 at Hautlieu, he won the Jersey Young Flautists Competition ran by Music in Action in association with the Jersey Academy of Music. On 29th January 2022 he made his debut with the Jersey Chamber Orchestra with a new commission a flute concerto written by Jersey Composer Derek Lawrence. Music in Action asked Cosimo why music matters?

At what age did you start making music and how did you start?  

I began learning the flute and the recorder in year 3 when I was 7. II started playing the flute as part of a JMS try–out event. When I applied the flute was the only Instrument with lessons available at my school. Luckily I really love playing it. I am thankful to all my teachers who have encouraged me to play. I am now also learning the piano and studying for music theory and music GCSE.

Why does music matter to you?  

I spend a lot of time listening to different kinds of music. It can really change how I’m feeling. I find that music just motivates me - especially rap music! Though you won’t hear any rap in the concert next week!

How did you feel when you won the Young Flautists Competition?

I felt brilliant and surprised as I was the youngest in the final.  I bought a remote control car with the prize money!

What is your favourite place on earth? 

Outside of Jersey I love Los Angeles and really want to go to Tokyo. I lived in Los Angeles when I was younger and went to school there for a while. I have good memories of it. Tokyo seems an exciting place.

Who is your favourite composer? 

Derek Lawrence as I’m playing his wonderful flute concerto! You must come and listen to it.

Which historical figure would you choose to have dinner with? 

Dizzy Gillespie - he’s an amazing performer. 

What can we look forward to from you next?

I like lots of different music styles, from classical to jazz and rap. I have really enjoyed being a part of various bands and orchestras. Now I’m looking forward to playing with the Jersey Chamber Orchestra. My goal is to study music at University and pursue a career in music.
