Tadwyn Davies
We had the chance to catch up with our recently appointed Events Assistant Tadwyn Davies. Tad read music at Durham University and alongside working for Music in Action on musical matters, Tad currently sings in King's College Choir in Cambridge. Music in Action asked Tad Why Music Matters?
At what age did you start making music and how did you start?
I first started my musical journey at the age of 6 with piano lessons. I can still vividly remember sitting in front of my teacher's piano and being asked if I knew the name of each note. After correctly stating A, B and C, I noticed a pattern and decided to keep going until the letter J. Following this, I have been a chorister and learned the flute alongside piano. These days singing has become my main focus although I also spend a lot of time with Music Technology too!
Why does Music matter to you?
Without music, life would be dull and without emotion. Imagine watching a film bereft of its soundtrack. Music has the ability to express that which words cannot and is fundamental to our wellbeing.
What is your favourite place on earth?
Since first visiting, I adore France. This was further affirmed in my A level years by spending 10 days with my French Exchange. The culture, the language, the people and of course the food are excellent.